Monday, November 29, 2010

Fashion Snap: Oct & Nov

This was my first late night attempt at a more intense make up style. 
Wearing top and bottom lashes by The Darkness bought from Super H Mart in Atlanta. This was my first time using full band bottom lashes, and I found them very uncomfortable and difficult to put on. They either wanted to stick straight out or lay flat against my face. I did get them to finally angle themselves somewhere between, but if I looked down they would stab my cheeks. Very uncomfortable.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mini Hamacon

Rin and I got a table at Hamacon's mini convention a few days ago. It was nice to go to a local convention and see all of our friends.

Since we apparently never sleep before we do events, we started our day off right as usual. With HUGE coffees and Krispy Kreme.

We only bought, oh...three dozen. And we kept them stashed under our table.