I've been trying to wear my hair really straight lately. I've been using Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny line, and I've had excellent results! When I normally straighten my hair my ends look really dry and damaged, but that doesn't happen with PM. It also gets my hair straighter than normal.
We went out to eat at West End Grill. It was really dead there, and there was only one emplyee and the cook. At first we thought the waiter was rude, but its turns out he was just incredible bored. He showed us some really cool videos on his phone.
This guy is so talented! And his videos are really well done!
I borrowed my sisters shirt for the day. I really like the looseness and the design, but its too high necked! I had to wear a shirt underneath it too, because it was super windy that day.
Next we headed to Bridgestreet for dessert and shopping. There was a car show going on~ The pink and purple mustang was Rin's favorite.
Fashionable people.
We went to get frozen yogurt, yum! I can never remember the name of this place though. Its changed ownership and names so many times. But the inside never changes!
We sat here forever talking about fashion, Gordon's music, and hardcandy house. He commissioned us to make a belt chain for him!
Rin's on the left and mine on the right. Rin got so many topping, lol. I couldn't get a picture of Gordon's though, he had already started eating!
We saw Great Danes after dessert!
Gordon had to leave to drive back to Nashville at this point, so Rin and I proceeded to shop!
A sneak peek of our Easter!
Bought two tops and a necklace at rue21 - for a grand total of $12! Lacey socks from Icing, and some make up from Ulta. I had tried to buy a white eyeshadow as well, but the cashier left it in my basket!Rin and I went halfsies on this cute puzzle game we found at Barnes & Noble. We can't resist anything that looks like candy!
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