My mother and I also FINALLY switched banks. We were banking with BB&T, and I HATED it. I DO NOT recommend this bank to anyone! We have had several little problems with them. They never spell my mothers name right even when she tells them how. My mother had to go in four separate times to order her checks and card - because the teller kept forgetting to order them for her. They are not open at all on the weekends, and only open during the week 'til 5. And the latest thing is that if you do not keep an average of $1500 in you checking, and you receive direct deposit - then they will charge you $10 a month.
Another change I'm looking forward to is a new cell phone! Kevin and I are due for an upgrade, but had been waiting to get our tax refunds to pick our new phones out. We are both planning on getting smart phones, but I know I'm going to miss my Qwerty keyboard! I'm probably going to go with the HTC Incredible. Rin has it and likes it. I'm already looking forward to deco-ing the case! Maybe Kevin and I can go pick them out Monday...
I have started "dieting". In quotes, because at this point its more like making healthier choices than a diet, since I haven't been able to go grocery shopping yet. I am following The G.I. Diet, this was such an interesting book. It really opened my eyes to some weight loss myths. I am planning a future post about it - its just hard to squeeze such a comprehensive topic into one post! I am planning on excercising as well, but who knows when that will actually happen. I love using EA Active, but I really haven't felt like devoting any of my time to it lately.
ALSO started back up my self tanning regimen that I had to stop when the tornadoes hit. I have a HUGE compiled self tanner review planned. I have tried out so many different products, that I will probably have to split it up into at least two parts. Look forward to it! I hope some readers will find it really helpful!
And I got my tax refund in!
Like some extensions! My sister found this site, Luxy, that sells 20 inch Remy human hair extensions - for under $150!! Considering most extensions are about $250-$400, that is an incredible deal! I almost feel like they are too good to be true. I have seen a lot of reviews, and its hard to know what to trust. Luxy has a big youtube following, and they send out lot of extensions for free to people if they will make a video review for them. But almost every review I have found has been super positive, even from those who actually bought and weren't given their extensions. After digging, I was only able to find two reviews that had complaints.
color #6 - Chestnut Brown
They don't have a a color very close to my hair, which is an ashy brown. So I am going to buy the closest color to it , this Chestnut Brown, and dye it with some Paul Mitchell color I have that is extremely close to my natural color - just slightly warmer. Their pictures do seem...not overexposed, but too well lit. So that the color seems lighter than they actually are. The two reviews that had complaints also said that the color they received seemed darker than the picture shown on the website. They have a video which shows the colors much more accurately.
EDIT: The day after I posted this, Luxy updated their website! They now have new pictures, and they show most of the colors being modeled. I think the pictures are much more accurate, but now I'm having a hard time deciding between Chocolate Brown and Chestnut Brown!
And I'm finally going to buy circle lenses! Hopefully I will be able to find my prescription, and my astigmatism won't make them look wonky on my eye! But I am having a hard time deciding what website to buy from, and what colors to choose. I was planning on buying from Pinky Paradise, but I really don't like that most of their products don't have example photos other than a tiny bad quality jpeg of the contact itself. Its also hard trying to find a color that will look good on light colored eyes, and not have a bad keyhole.
Some colors I'm thinking of getting...
I will probably buy a grey and green, and maybe a blue and violet as well. I am not sold yet on any of the colors. I am going to have to do a lot of review hunting!
Any thought or suggestions for my circle lens hunt?
How are you turning 23?! When did this happen to us Grimmy!!! I still remember sitting on top of my car in the parking lot of Lee with Klara waiting for Rin and meeting you for the first time. CRAZY!
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous of everyone getting awesome cell phones >_>
I plan on getting these lenses
Iwantcute has free shipping and has the pair I want. I feel the need to have eyes like Elizabeth Taylor.
I can't wait to see you this weekend!! You're gonna love your gift!!!!!
Thats a site I've never visited before. I like the color of those lenses, but I think they look a little funky on light colored eyes, since they look very fake. I'm so lame, wanting natural looking lenses.
ReplyDeleteThats a site I've never visited before. I like the color of those lenses, but I think they look a little funky on light colored eyes, since they look very fake. I'm so lame, wanting natural looking lenses.