Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thanks!...and hiatus

It didn't escape my notice...

Thank you 50 followers! <3

I'm glad some people may find this blog kinda interesting - I've been so boring lately!

And I'm afraid it will continue to be dead for a while, as I am (and kinda already have been) on a computer hiatus. I have been very sick for the past three weeks. My fever's have finally stopped, and I am on my second dose of antibiotics. Right now I mostly have a lot of congestion. I have mucus coming from my nose, throat, and even my eyes! Gross! So while I'm not photo-worthy, I am taking time to get myself better.

In the meantime, what would you like to see more of on this blog? 

  • Personal Posts
  • Product Reviews
  • Fitness/ Health Tips
  • Beauty Tips
  • Outfit/ Hair/ Make Pics

I'm prepared to blog about any of the subjects, and have already started writing some. I will (hopefully) evetually get around to posting in all those categories, but I want to know what interests you the most. Maybe if I get votes soon I can start working on posts during my hiatus.

Really wanna see something else? Leave a comment,


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Have a Nerdy V-day!

Happy Valentine's day! I'm not doing anything special today. I had my "special day" lazing around with my boyfriend yesterday. We watched Up and Monsters, Inc. on the Disney Channel and ate in. <3 Just got off work - man, we sold so many heart balloons! I'm going to spend the rest of tonight relaxing.

Took some cute pictures for hardcandy house on Saturday.

Check out what my boyfriend got me for Valentine's! I do really like Star Wars, but I'm not as into as I used to be. But how can anyone resist a blinged Darth Vador?!

Speaking of Star Wars, I've been playing the MMO more, and I actually like it. It can't replace Ragnarok in my heart, but its fun. Although I have a hard time playing because I am such a loner! I don't like playing with strangers, so I never do the quests that require groups. >.>;;

Here are some crappy pictures I took! : D

My character. I wanted to be Light Side, but literally EVERYONE I know that plays the game is Dark Side. So I am a Sith Warrior Marauder.

I guess this was more of a nerd post than one about love, haha. But Valentine's isn't a big deal for me. The only thing I really care about is the chocolate lol.

Hope everyone has a great V-day!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Product Review: Sultra, The Wicked Styling Iron

I wanted to tell you about a new hair iron that my sister got recently. Its The Wicked Wave & Straight One-Inch Iron by Sultra

This iron is one inch wide, uses Kryocera Ceramic Technology and heats up to 375°F. Sultra claims that this iron will repair your hair with infrared rays. They also guarantee that you can get the look you want with just one pass of this iron.

A very unique feature this iron has, that I've never seen before, is that the ceramic plates move. This is supposed to help prevent snags, and ensure constant even heat. 

The plates also have no gap, and can be squeezed even closer to get your hair pin straight.


 squeezed close!

I've used it a couple of times, so here is what I think!

Heats up EXTREMELY FAST. Maybe about 5 seconds.
Absolutely no snags! This is the smoothest hair iron I've ever used!
True to its word, I was able to get my hair done in a single pass.
The rounded edges of the iron made it easy to get the curl I wanted.

The power switch is on the inner side of the iron, and is a bit awkward to get to.
There is no temperature setting, which I strongly dislike. I have easily damaged hair so I usually use a low heat setting. Sultra claims the ceramic will self adjust its heat according to your hair type, and that it actually repairs your hair. I don't believe that for a minute - heat is bad for your hair, there is no way around it. Even if it may be able to self adjust its heat, I want to be the one choosing what heat level.
At $165, this iron is a bit pricey.

Here is a quick curling style I did. No styling or products( and no make up)! Just me and my freshly curled hair!
I was able to finish my hair very quickly - maybe 10 - 15 minutes. Normally its an hour!

I do like this hair iron. It was the smoothest, tug free process I've ever had with an iron. But I am not especially tender headed, and I am far more concerned about the health of my hair. Not being able to adjust the temperature is an absolute no go, and it is more than I would like to spend on a hair iron. I will not be purchasing The Wicked for myself (though I may borrow it from my sister occasionally, haha). I do, however, recommend this for those who are very tender headed, short on time, or can afford it!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Recent Gets, +1 Outfit, and Stuff

Posting has been slow going for me lately. Although I do have some pictures to catch up on, not a whole lot has been going on. Work has been scheduling me on days I'm not available. The weather has mostly been too rainy to let me wear all the outfit I've been thinking up to go with my new wedges. I haven't even been able to wear lashes or lenses much lately because my eyes have been tearing up so badly. I guess that's what spring is about - rain and allergies. ):

But I did buy some things recently, and I was able to squeeze in one decent outfit on Tuesday!
 I bought a dress from Target, salad dressing and chocolate from my favorite Japanese restaurant, and nailpolishes. My mother bought me a maxi length cardigan that I am so happy with! I can mark that off my "to buy" list. She really got a great deal too. When she looked at it around Christmas it had been $60, and she got it for $12!

 New nailpolishes. The silvery one is actually a very light sparkly lavender that I'm in love with.

 And my not-so-sweet Japanese chocolate. 

And here is the outfit I squeezed in Tuesday. I only wore it out to grab a quick bite of food and to go to Target, but I was so happy to get to wear my new wedges and dress! I have a really awkward character hair, and my "everyday make up", so lets just focus on the clothes. >.>; Oh I cut my hair too! Its been about a month lol, and you probably can't tell because my hair looks stupid in these pictures. It is quite a bit shorter now (doesn't touch my shoulders), and it is longer in the front than the back.

Outfit rundown:
Cardigan: Target
Necklace: Party City
Dress: Target
Bracelet: Party City
Tights: Party City
Shoes: Target

lol Half Party City and half Target. I did feel a smidge awkward wearing this into Target, haha.


I'm sure a lot of you have seen Target's new mini collection from Jason Wu. I overall don't care a bit about designers, since it is too expensive for me. Also, they usually run too small for me, so on the rare occasions when I have actually wanted a piece, it doesn't fit anyway. I usually don't pay much attention when Target gets new designer items, but when I saw Sara Mari post about the collection I fell in love with some of the items.

The cat mascot is absolutely darling, and I thought the blouse matched up well with some gal trends. But what I really wanted was this purse:
I love monotone, and I've wanting a satchel purse for a while, so I really fell hard for this purse.

I did go to Target on the Jason Wu premier day, but at 4 when I finally got off work. I could not find any of the accessories. I went again at 8am the next day before work and asked an employee about it since online it said that particular store still had some in stock. She checked and the system said there were 4 in stock, but after asking around we got several confirmations that all the Jason Wu accessories had sold out premier morning. Yet online still said they had some in stock for several days before finally saying sold out.

All I can say is,"DAMN YOU!" *shakes fist*
